Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Month of May, Month of the Bicycle

So as I was saying about the revival...yeah, um...anyways
It's almost the end of May and I haven't made a post about the month of the bicycle. Bike to work day was last friday and I didn't really have to work that day + it was raining so that didn't fly for me. Anyways, I'm guessing if you watch TV chances are you've already seen this ad. I love it! It's a perfect start to the summer and represents all things lovely. I can't wait to get on my bike!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Resucitación del Blog / Revival of the Blog

Ooof ahora me doy cuenta hace cuanto no le daba update a este blog. No se que pasó para olvidarme de el, pero ojala lo pueda revivir, les dejo con una foto./ Damn I just realized how long it's been since I last posted, I don't know what happened for me to forget about it, but hopefully I'll be able to revive it, I'll leave thee with a photograph.
in glorious technicolor by *raffaella
in glorious technicolor